Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Doe Thickening Of Bowl Indicate

God? No, thanks

The God who gave you forget there is not worthy to be my god ... has missed an opportunity to be good and it took one to be cruel. In addition, a god who let his son die has already started on the wrong foot to trample the earth of this world. A god that I do not see, not hear, from which I have nothing, is a god I do not know what to do. And 'that if a god exists or does not exist, does not no difference with or without him, nothing will be different in my life. Who
enough to see the light of a sunset or the colors of a butterfly to be sure of his mark on this earth, should know now and see how the same kind that "paints" the wings of butterflies, also changes the prions that are going out your life. In this, I think we are light and fragile as dried leaves, curled at any time, without reason, without a final end, without a drawing. Nature is wonderful and atrocities: you choose to witness God's presence or its absence uncomfortable. If one day I'll be in his presence he will have to account for this.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Terrasil Wart On Fingers Reviews

I walk ... PMO

a step to another, my foot rests on the tarmac, my pulse made fibers generate electricity, made of sodium ions, made of atoms, which spread among billions of cell membranes until reaching some clear my head and now you feel the sensation that the land produces, now these impulses swirling, are modified, they propagate other chemicals, trigger feelings, perceptions, through old memories of tens of thousands of years, we have evolved to standing and only after all this, generate other pulses that return to other ions, for other atoms, recrossing billions of other cells, running up the leg muscles and come here with specific information, every effort is precise to the millimeter, each contraction of each muscle fiber that serves to keep the correct balance of my body ... and I support and another step is accomplished falling forward. All this happens in less than a second, every single step.
This is extraordinary that unleashes and renews itself in a gesture so simple, certainly accomplished without event, perhaps while I think of each other or talk or laugh or cry ... thinking of you ... all this for you is wrapped in a huge, endless difficulties.
Your eyes see the invisible, you pat your hand, you shake uncontrollably in a jolt, swaying you calm down again, turning to look at the unknown, the same mystery that they see my eyes look.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Acrostic Poem Using Cortes

The bang of my project .....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mount And Blade Mod Lists

BANG: Peter Eisenman_Aronoff Center for design and art


Peter Eisenman is to introduce an innovative solution to an old problem of architecture movement. He discovers a technique that has never before had he used in architecture, blurring or defocusing.
The movement, in this way is not understood but it becomes the inspiration and conceptual at the same time the technique with which to organize the 'new' way of designing.
The origin is in the Italian Futurist Giacomo Balla in ' Dynamism of a dog on a leash': a dog is led on a leash by a female figure is only visible in the bottom of her dress and feet. This is the analytical representation subsequent phases of moving a body in the same plane, through the repetition of moving parts, which, in this case, the legs and tail of the dog, the woman's feet and swinging the leash.

The Blurring appears for the first time in the 'Casa Guardiola' to Santa Maria del Mar, where Eisenman designed the house on a rocking motion of an 'L'. The resulting geometries, vibrate, swing, rotate each other in plan, section and elevation. Through intersections and subtractions are to form the paths through the construction .
thus transformed an idea into a real generative process.

Aronoff Center:
Eisenmam apply this theme in the project for the University of Cincinnati who began studying the mid-80s, but ripens only in 1991.
The project involved the reorganization of existing spaces and building other facilities such as libraries, exhibition halls, theaters, offices, which are to double the surface. The structure of the existing building, which moves in a zig-zag on the ground, is added to an undulating structure that contains the new equipment.
Both geometries are duplicated and rotated basis: thus a double-wave motion, a more geometric (that of the old building), the other more fluent determined by the curve where you organize new features.
by interlocking, subtractions and intersections created new spaces: the forms appear to vibrate and tremble each other in a continuous wave motion.
These movements have an impact not only on the outside, but also comply with the procedure.

BANG: blurring
movement and rotation of the two basic geometries to form, with the help of the support points, volume of games are always different.