The State and the Catholic Church are, each in its own, independent and sovereign. Art.21
Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing or any other means of communication. Art.32
Nobody can be forced to a specific medical treatment unless required by law. The law may in no case violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person. Art.34
The school is open to all. Art.36
The employee is entitled to remuneration commensurate with the quantity and quality of their work and in all cases sufficient to them and their families to ensure a free and dignified. The employee is entitled to a weekly rest and paid annual holidays, and can not waive this right.
Article 37.
Working women have equal rights and equal work, the same wages to the employee. Working conditions must allow women to fulfill their essential role in the family and bring to a special mother and child adequate protection. Section 54.
All citizens have the duty to be loyal to the Republic and to uphold the Constitution and laws. Article 104.
The judiciary is an autonomous and independent any other power. Article 115 (repealed in 2001)
"The regions are composed of autonomous institutions in its powers and functions in accordance with the principles set out in the Constitution"
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