Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Are Veneers Put On Teth


Today was a day spent in part, under a snowfall fabulous. The snow brings with it a spell that does not end, ever.
When night falls in a village in the Stura valley, bringing with it the softness that - just resting - moved to the shapes and sounds. When
consists of flakes are all different, created by the hand of a brisk "gold" in heaven. When candida
makes everything, even the least worthy of such clarity.
When the baby stared down, his nose pressed on the window, where a mother and father took me every year. The fixed and each flake that looked after him, led me to others who came down higher and higher and other flakes ... many ... endless ... and this vision of me as still happens to me hypnotized watching the stars and imagining where does the deep darkness of the universe.
Snow has always brought with him a spell that I can pick up inexhaustible and that gives me peace in my heart.


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